Sterling Silver Filigree & Link Stations Necklace F272

Sterling Silver Filigree & Link Stations Necklace
$115.00 each Width: 0.25 in
Length: 40 in
Height: 25 in

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Filigree is an ancient silver working technique done in Java that is becoming increasingly rare. Comprised of hundreds (or thousands!) of tiny silver threads that have been twisted or spun to give a "lace-like" look. This beautiful necklace is comprised of 4 tubular filigree stations, 5 cone shaped filigree stations, and 3 round filigree bead stations. In between each station you will find silver links. Measuring 40", this necklace can be worn long or doubled over. Some may even be able to wrap it wound their wrist as a bracelet. This item has a total gram weight of 23.5 grams. This delicate beauty is being sold directly out of the private sample collection of the Offerings Sajen designers, Marianna and Richard Jacobs!

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