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Properties of Quartz are thought to include:
- Crystals are reputed to promote hope, happiness and optimism while awakening us to the beauty of nature.
- Bring more balance, grace and harmony to your life
- Foster balance within and among your body’s physical processes
- Regain your balance after a life-changing or traumatic experience
Found around the world, the important quartz deposits are in Brazil, Madagascar, Namibia, Ontario Canada, the U.S.A. and the French and Swiss Alps, known for their magnificent large crystals
Usually clear but available in assorted colors depending on its source. A silicon dioxide, crystallizing in the form of masses, grains, druses, and prismatic hexagonal crystals, having both piezoelectric (pie-ee-zo) and pyroelectric properties. Negative and positive polarity characteristics are subject to change due to heat or pressure. For example, normally positive, receptive energy will change, then becoming negative and emitting energy. Therefore, these properties are used in matters of focus, storage, transfer, and transformation of energy
Quartz is said to be the universal healing stone, able to clarify what needs to be healed or balanced and assist in the transformation. An amplifier of energy it has been used to direct healing and positive intent for centuries.
Rose Quartz
Found in masses, druses, granular structures, grains, veins, and (rarely) crystal structure. Soft pink to golden white. Emits a calming energy which can work on all chakras, especially the heart and crown chakras. Opens sense of self-love and encourages peacefulness in relationships. Promotes receptivity to the beauty of art, music, and the written word. Enlivens the imagination. Used to treat conditions related to the emotional and physical body
Rutilated Quartz
Crystallizes in the form of prismatic crystals, terminated by a bi-pyramid type structure, sometimes in bent or curved configuration, and as needle-like crystals. Colors include red, red-brown, black, yellow, gold, blue, violet, and green. Thought to represent the hair of Venus, it may appear as wheat straw and angel hair. Thought to bring strength with love, ease in transition, growth in all aspects of one's development. Brings calm, reason, and order. Said to dispel negative energies and create balance. Has been used in the treatment of bronchitis and the walls of the blood veins. An elixir of this quartz has been used as topical treatment of wound
Smoky Quartz
Occurs in masses and crystals. Color range includes light to dark Smokey Brown, gold and black. Energy applicable to solar plexus and chakras in the hands and feet. Transforms negative emotions and energy patterns, dissolving negative thought forms through prolonged, intense, yet gentle affect. May help balance yin and yang meridians of the body with those of the ethereal body. Has been used to stimulate creativity in business by strengthening communication, the unification of energies directed toward the same goal, and clearing learning blockages related to the mental and emotional elements. Said to help dissipate congestion in the solar plexus area, and relieve disorders of the hands and feet
Thought to provide a shield of protection. Was often worn by ancient priests & priestess in mystery temples. Thought to symbolize the deeper truths and thought to clear debris from life