Revitalize your Chakras with Gemstones and Color
For centuries people around the globe have been aware of the amazing energy network that runs through our physical, emotional and spiritual bodies.

PERU a life long dream comes true…I grew up living the life of a traveler throughout the pages of National Geographic until I could save enough money in my 20’s to travel the world on a shoestring. I am so grateful and lucky to have been to many magnificent places but it took 40 years to finally make it to Peru.

Garnet is the stone of vitality and love! What a perfect birthstone for January Ladies! The rich clear color of red has long been associated with love and passion, and garnet is considered the stone of commitment. It is thought to revitalize feelings and enhance sexuality, bringing warmth, devotion, understanding, trust, sincerity and honesty to a relationship. This beautiful red stone is also thought to control anger, especially towards one self.

I love the Winter Solstice! The shortest day of the year is magical and I love its importance throughout history to so many cultures. It starts the beginning of the return of "light", and the lengthening of days, and has long been viewed as the birth of the year. By celebrating the return of the Sun, the days between Solstice and the New Year are a luminous time period, when anything is possible. In England, the Twelve Days of Christmas were considered omen days which could be used to predict the weather in the coming year.

Despite my years as a home shopping guest jewelry designer, I am somewhat of a quiet and private person, but I plan to break out a bit with this blog and share my interests with like minded spirits!