
Amazonite at Offerings Jewelry

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Astrological Sign: Virgo

Chakra: Heart and Throat

Amazonite is found around the globe, especially Russia, Canada, USA, India, Austria and Brazil.

  • Called the “hope stone” as it inspires speaking with confidence and self assurance and produces hope in the success of the process
  • Enhances Loving communication
  • Thought to open third eye and enhance intuition
  • Thought to help balance male and female energies and help in ultimately balancing the emotions. 
  • Used to help manifest dreams while holding the stone and using positive affirmations.
  • Relieves stress
  • Used to minimize the effects of electromagnetic negativity that is given off by cell phones and microwaves.This type of Feldspar varies in color from a lighter green to a deep turquoise green including a blue-green variation.


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