Amazonite, Chrome Diopside & Peridot Goddess Pendant PV826

Amazonite, Chrome Diopside & Peridot Goddess Pendant Pendant
$120.00 each Width: 1.5 in
Length: 3.25 in
Height: 0.5 in

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This beautifully symmetrical elongated oval pendant features a gorgeous hand-carved bone Goddess as the center focal point. Her headdress is comprised of sterling silver wire swirls, beads and a faceted 4x6mm pear of Chrome Diopside. Above her we find a faceted 5x7mm pear of Peridot and below a 12mm round of Brazilian Amazonite stunning silver work as aglow all around and a faceted4mm round Chrome Diopside finishes the look. This masterpiece was designed by Marianna and Richard and handcrafted by the Artisans of Bali. She measures 3 1/4" top to bottom.

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